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Documenting everything learnt in Computer science self-study

Updated: at 05:55 AM

This post is updated as I learn.

A while ago, I wrote about my background deficiency in my profession as a Software engineer and how I have decided to address this deficiency.

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This table that contains the topics I’m learning and aspects of these topics I have covered. In the same table will be links to either resources I find critical to learning some of these aspects or links to things I have made with them.

Data structuresLinked lists, Queues, Stacks
Sorting algorithmsBubble sort
Searching algorithmsLinear search, Binary search (+ 2 crystal problem)
Design patternsCreational patterns(singleton, )


I’m going through the free Frontend masters course, The Last Algorithms Course You’ll Need. This course was taught in JavaScript but I have written some of the topics in Golang. So I build an equivalent of the Kata-machine used in the course. You can find it with the test in this repository that I have called go-kata-machine.

You should be able to generate a day directory which will contain each course topic package and tests to know whether you solution to the topic questions are correct.